Featured Speaker: Terry Cralle, R.N.
About Terry Cralle, R.N.
Sleep Health Educator
Terry Cralle, MS, RN, is a Registered Nurse based in Washington, DC. She is certified in clinical sleep health and has co-authored two books on sleep; Snoozby and the Great Big Bedtime Battle (Rowe Publishing, 2015), the first nonfiction book directly messaging the benefits of sufficient sleep to young children and Sleeping Your Way to the Top (Sterling Publishing, 2016), the ultimate guide to success through sufficient sleep. As the cofounder of a four-bed sleep disorders center and a nationally recognized sleep health and wellness consultant, educator, advisor and advocate, Terry’s work in the field of sleep medicine has spanned over 25 years. She serves on the Start School Later Board of Directors and is a spokesperson for the Better Sleep Council. Terry works with a variety of organizations throughout the U.S. and Europe to promote sleep health and wellness.
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Terry's Gift
About Terry Cralle, R.N.
Terry Cralle, MS, RN, is a Registered Nurse based in Washington, DC. She is certified in clinical sleep health and has co-authored two books on sleep; Snoozby and the Great Big Bedtime Battle (Rowe Publishing, 2015), the first nonfiction book directly messaging the benefits of sufficient sleep to young children and Sleeping Your Way to the Top (Sterling Publishing, 2016), the ultimate guide to success through sufficient sleep. As the cofounder of a four-bed sleep disorders center and a nationally recognized sleep health and wellness consultant, educator, advisor and advocate, Terry’s work in the field of sleep medicine has spanned over 25 years. She serves on the Start School Later Board of Directors and is a spokesperson for the Better Sleep Council. Terry works with a variety of organizations throughout the U.S. and Europe to promote sleep health and wellness.
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